Special Kids Program: Mystical Protector Mystery at the Perseverance Party

Hand-In-Hand Early Years Nature Education Program’s team is happy to offer a special kid’s program called the Mystical Protector Mystery at the Perseverance Party for the Forest in the Cumberland Community Forest on Sunday, October 25th, 2015.

To register your kids for the Mystical Protector Mystery purchase your Perseverance Tickets and email info@cumberlandforest.com to register your kids by name, age and time slot. There are only 20 spots for each Mystery Tour. REMEMBER parents must also have purchased tickets for the Perseverance Party in order to register for this. There are limited spots available for the Mystery Tour.

Facilitated by the educator’s of Hand-In-Hand Early Years Nature Education Program, we guarantee an active and thoughtful experience for the kids attending the Perseverance Party on Oct 25th. Kids from age 3 (potty trained) and up are welcome to join us in a session from either 1-3pm or 4-6pm.

*Please be equipped with rain gear for maximum enjoyment of our rainforest!*

We have a cap of 20 kids maximum per session. Registration is $25 and includes access to the Perseverance Party. A special Perseverance Circus will be performed at 3:15 which kids are invited to attend! 100% of proceeds go to the Cumberland Community Forest Society in support of raising money to purchase Cumberland Forest lands.