Brrrrr…..its getting chilly! We’ve been truly facing the elements, with sun, frost, ice and our rainiest day yet experienced in the last two weeks!

We spent time in our Maple Grove classroom, where we found some interesting artifacts. We also ventured a bit farther to a new classroom – one with a view of a waterfall!

Poppy tracing

We did a lot of work around matching objects to their outlines, tracing objects and recognizing and representing numbers


In the Maple Grove, the hill continues to be a very popular feature, and it has been amazing to watch how play has evolved past strictly the physical challenge to more social and dramatic play around that challenge

Maeve's first day at the Maple grove - her friends showed her the house

As Maeve was away travelling, this is the first time that she experienced the Maple Grove. Her friend was excited to show her around the house


One of our interesting finds – a pipe

Finnigan completing the puzzle

Puzzle treasure

Experiencing different sounds if our various finds

We were amassing our treasure on this rock, and some friends discovered that they make different sounds when tapped with a stick – this type of investigation leads to the children making their own deductions about our treasure – what it is made of, what it could have been, etc.

Investigating what the patterns on the water is

The children noticed that the water was not only deeper on this morning, but also that it had a pattern all over the top of it. We asked “what made that pattern?” and got many answers, including the rain and the wind, so we decided to investigate further – what happens when I put a stick into the water?


The end result was ice!

Sunny was very focused figuring out how to work the carabiner - very determined

Our new “Waterfall” classroom is a beautiful place to play, and learn. The children wanted to set up this zipline, and many were very focused when learning how to use the carabiners


Along with the wettest day yet, came giant puddles which were definitely the highlight of the day!

Keeping warm while having fun

These children are keeping their bodies warm while enjoying the weather! Amazingly enough, these giant puddles had completely disappeared by Friday morning.