Michelle Nagle

Early YeArs Program (Seeds)
Nature Educator

Pronouns: she/her

I love spotting a creature crawl, slither or fly; noticing the changes in the forest with the seasons; and seeing people have new discoveries in nature.  I’m grateful these experiences were part of my childhood and my connection with the natural world has deepened as I’ve had my own children and began working with children.

It’s been over to 20 years now since I held the first parent and child program in my home, and my journey has led me to become a Spacial Dynamics® instructor and work as a movement teacher, outdoor educator and mentor in Waldorf schools; kayak guide; study herbalism and deepen my relationship with plants through this; develop a sturdy meditation practice that supports presence and growth; and in most recent years deepening my connection with place-based learning as an early years’ nature educator in Kamloops.

I’ve come to see that play, movement, connection, and being in nature are important as the foundation for a healthy sense of self.  This is why I am excited to be working in a place where these qualities are recognized and fostered.  I see the wonder and openness of young children and learn so much from them by being present and curious along the way.