Jody Fink

Early YeArs Program
Manager/Nature Educator

I grew up on a remote farm in Northern Queensland, Australia and since childhood, I have always spent the majority of my time playing and exploring the outdoors. Fast forward 20 years not much has changed. Before establishing roots in Cumberland, I travelled to various parts of the world, and what I always seemed to notice was people, especially children, having a strong connection and being their happiest outside. This resonated with me and I wanted to share these experiences with My 3 children. We spend the days just being in the outdoors, foraging; mountain biking; hiking; trail running, exploring and creating things.

Throughout my life, I have had the pleasure of working with and being surrounded by amazing children. It has always fascinated me the way our little ones learn and think. How they can create and develop tools to help them achieve their vision. This is one of the reasons I am excited to join the Hand in Hand family.

I am a full-time mama, currently enrolling in school completing my Early Childhood Diploma and a small business owner. Having all this in the mix I feel very fortunate to spend parts of my days in the forest with your children.