The Very Hungry Caterpillar Extension Activity

If you're lucky this time of year you may find a caterpillar or a chrysalis and be able to watch a great example of metamorphosis. Even if you aren't that lucky, surely you can spot some butterflies fluttering by!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar extension activity:

Materials needed: Paper, glue, scissors and leaves gathered – the stiffer the better for cutting (Salal leaves are great, skunk cabbage and laurel are good too), and smaller leaves that don’t need cutting (huckleberry for example). 

This activity was inspired by the good folks at If you have a copy of Eric Carle’s book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, it’s fun to read and take a good look at the illustrations, which are made out of painted paper cut outs. If you don’t, here is link to the story being read by Eric Carle himself!

Either way, start by cutting shapes out of the leaves. Scissors are great work for children’s developing motor skills, and this step can provide a surprising amount of entertainment, so take your time! Don’t forget the eyes and the feet! Once you have all the shapes you need, glue them onto your paper.