Alpine Adventure Academy

The Alpine Adventure Academy (AAA) is a private elementary and high school, based at Strathcona Park on Mt. Washington, designed to integrate the BC standard curriculum with outdoor and adventure education. The BC curriculum will be met through environmental education and stewardship, recreational sport, team building activities, survival skills, wilderness first aid, avalanche safety, and mountain culture.

When you donate to our program, 100% of your funds will be used to minimize the registration cost to families, offsetting the monthly tuition. There are no administration fees or other program-related items that these funds are used for…it all goes to the families!

Your Donation

Families are seeking alternative school options for their children and many are looking in OUTDOOR LEARNING PROGRAMS. We are on a mission to provide this type of education for all of them. With your help, we can create a new and inspiring educational experience for children and families from within the Comox Valley and surrounding areas. Together, we can co-create Outdoor Learning!

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Support the Forest

The Cumberland Forest is part of an interconnected system of forests, salmon-bearing creeks, wetlands and riparian areas adjacent to the Village of Cumberland on Vancouver Island in the traditional territory of the K’omoks Nation.